Meet The Visionary
Bruce C. Carter earned his Bachelor of Arts from Iowa Wesleyan University, where he received two-time All-American Honors as a football player. He likes to say he went on to earn his Master's from Let Down University and Ph.D. from Overcomers University.
At 23, his experience with law enforcement came when he bought guns from a licensed gun dealer for a friend who lived in another state. At the time of purchase, he provided his Drivers License and Social Security number and informed the gun dealer they were for his friend who lived out of town. He later learned that purchasing guns for a non-resident of the State of Texas is a straw purchase. He subsequently was charged with the "illegal purchase of firearms." Upon receiving 5-year probation, it was violated one week before expiration after he went hunting with business associates who were doctors and attorneys. He served 18 months in federal prison. Read more

Bruce C. Carter, Founder & CEO
Who Bruce C. Carter Says He Is
What Other People Are Saying About Bruce
Bobby Roan
Chief Executive Officer/President
Roan Investments
Rowlett, Texas
Shaun Ross
Founder/ CEO
Our Lives Matter
Cincinnati, Ohio
Ebony Porter-Ike
EPI Media Group
Atlanta, Georgia
Alissa Samek
Former High School Counselor
Muscle Shoals, Alabama
Sam Thompson
Retired Coach and Educator
Corsicana ISD
Corsicana, Texas
Officer Kenneth Scott
Police Officer
Philadelphia Police Department
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
J Loren Norris
Tell It Like It Is, Inc.
Justin, Texas
Juan Chapa
Chief Executive Officer/President
Go Get Em Towing
Mesquite, Texas
Jeremy Davis
Founder / Chief Executive Director
Mentor Waco
Waco, Texas
Susie Steemer
Aviation General Manager
Third-Party For United and Allegiant Airlines
Jackson, Mississippi
Sergeant Willie Ford
Chief Executive Officer/President
KJK Security, LLC and Dallas Police Sergeant
Dallas, Texas
Allen Wilbon
Retired Dallas Fireman
Coach / Mentor
Dallas, Texas
Christi Derrington
American Patriot
Weatherford, Texas
Dennis Murray
Chief Executive Director
Youth Development and Capacity Building Inc
Atlanta, Georgia